Charity Auction Software for Golf Auctions

Many golf tournaments include a charity auction to increase fundraising potential. Auction software is essential to help event planners organize and manage the details associated with hosting successful auctions. Now, you can manage it all with our auction fundraising websites.

Let our auction websites do all the heaving lifting. Simply create your website and add auction categories and items. Set the time for online bidding to start and begin advertising on social media. Bids are made online and via text to bid. Auction winners are automatically charged by the platform, and winning bid notices can be automated.

If your organization is hosting a golf tournament in conjunction with your auction, mobile bidding continues seamlessly during the live event. Text-to-bid functionality makes it easy, and all bidding is completely mobilized.

Charity Auction Software for Fundraising Auctions

Features of our Fundraising Auction Software

Our fundraising auction websites are simple, powerful fundraising tools loaded with features and customizations. 

  • List an unlimited number of auction items and categories.
  • Include images, starting bid, and bid increment for all auction items.
  • Set the fair market value of auction items. This will help supporters include auction donations in their tax deductions.
  • Easy online and mobile bidding is supported.
  • Fundraising thermometer to track auction progress.
  • Text to Bid feature – supporters can text your unique keyword to get a link to bid.
  • Take online donations from supporters in addition to bids.
  • Sponsor promotion via sponsor logos and links to websites and social media.
  • Auto-generated email and SMS alerts to let bidders know they are outbid.
  • Easy social media share options.
  • Auction countdown to inspire urgency.
  • Winning bidders are automatically charged, and the auction platform sends winning bid notifications.
Features of our Fundraising Auction Software

Online Bidding Options

We offer two options for online auction bidding to suit your organization’s needs:

  • English Bidding – This bidding style requires only that each bid be higher than the last bid placed. Administrators add the desired bid increment as well.
  • Proxy Bidding – This online bidding system will automatically bid for users up to a pre-specified amount. This proxy or auto-bidding system works similarly to eBay, making it even easier for your bidders.

See How Our Auction Websites Work

See How Our Auction Websites Work

Our charity auction software provides easy online and mobile bidding for fundraising auction campaigns. List auction categories and items with starting bids and bid increments. Include images and your nonprofit branding, and your auction website is ready to go! Our flexible auction software works with two bidding options and provides an included online donation form.

Our Auction Websites Are Packed with Features

Auction Websites Packed with Features

Our fundraising auction websites are so easy to create – you won’t believe it. Work through the administration setup in no time to create a beautiful, custom fundraising auction. Stand out features include Social Media share, a fundraising thermometer to show progress, live stream video option, auction countdown to inspire urgency, and many more.

Online and Mobile Bidding

Easily create auction items with minimum bids and bid increments for each item. Administrators will select from two bidding types, depending on your constituents and organization’s needs. Your bidders will bid online and through their mobile phones. Bidding is completely mobilized and there is no app to install. Text to bid functionality allows users to text to a phone number and get a link to a unique auction item.

Online and Mobile Bidding
Outbid Alerts Via Email and SMS

Outbid Alerts Via Email and SMS

When a bidder is outbid, the system sends them an email and an SMS text message alert. Bidders simply click a button in the alert to submit a new bid. The auction platform recognizes them, and they don’t need to add their details again. This allows constituents to easily up their bid, making more money for your organization’s charity auction. Talk about quick and easy one-click bidding!

Wrapping Up the Golf Auction

No more long auction lines and lengthy check-outs with our online close. Our auction software calculates and charges your auction winners at the moment the auction is set to end. Bidders store their credit card information when making their first bid for ease of final payments. If payments fail, auction administrators and bidders are emailed to take action.

Wrapping Up the Online Auction

Fundraising Auction Software Pricing

Charity Auction Software Pricing Regular payment processing fees apply.

Tips for Auction Fundraising Success

Tips for Auction Fundraising Success

Online charity auctions, when coordinated with a golf tournament, are a great way for nonprofit and community organizations to raise money. Not only do charity auctions have tremendous fundraising potential, but they are relatively easy to plan, especially with the help of our easy-to-use auction software. Here are some important tips for fundraising auction success.

Keep in mind that your auction items are one of the biggest factors in determining the success of your auction. The more creative you are in sourcing auction items and the more valuable the auction bidders perceive these items, the more successful you’ll be in your fundraising efforts. Don’t be afraid to purchase auction items. That’s right, not all auction items have to be donated and you are shortchanging your organization if you aren’t willing to consider purchasing items. DoJiggy offers one-of-a-kind vacation packages that you won’t want to miss. These items can be put on reserve and only purchased when you auction them off for a profit. No risk or upfront costs are involved for your organization.

Another important factor is promoting your auction. You can have the rarest of treasures to auction off at your event, but if nobody knows about them, the items do you no good. Use your networks to inform people about the fundraiser. Post an announcement on Social media often, highlight the event on your nonprofit website, send email invitations, and ask volunteers, sponsors, and supporters to spread the word. Issue a press release to local media with information about the charity event, emphasizing how donations will support your cause. Be sure to highlight rare items that will be up for bid, as well as any activities or entertainment that might be part of your live charity auction.

Auction Resources

Take your fundraising and charity auctions to the next level

  • Auction Procurement Ideas

    Procuring the right auction items is vital to your auction’s success. How can you get the best items donated for your next event? Learn the strategies and tips for success here.

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  • Charity Auction Timeline

    We have created this auction timeline to help make your fundraising auction a success. The timeline is designed for online to live auctions but can be tailored to meet your needs.

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  • Auction Travel Packages

    Looking for ideas for great auction items? Auction item procurement is an important part of all charity auctions. These unique travel packages are sure to please any audience.

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